1.Not that he did any research to confirm that there was a viable market, let alone one large enough to attract investment capital.
2.But if it sets prices in a competitive, transparent way, Beijing could attract investment and become a long-term leader in this industry.
3.Is the main reason for the wider community to attract investment to accelerate clean heating of the early arrival times.
4.Agreements will need to be implemented as a means to attract investment, stimulate trade and increase competition.
5.One factor behind this reduction was the need for Chinese banks to attract investment from private and foreign sources.
6.The rivalry intensifies every year as financial centres across the region seek to attract investment dollars.
7.Comparably low cost advantages and a series of policies to attract investment and capital has made Qingyuan develop rapidly.
8.For those seeking to attract investment into new asset classes, those big endowments are the first place to go.
9.China's large state-owned enterprises, particularly those in the north-east, are often eager to attract investment.
10.Some of them are just countries who believe that deregulation or no regulation is the best way to attract investment, promote trade.